Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Baby Registry Checklist - What You Really Need

!±8± Baby Registry Checklist - What You Really Need

So you are having a baby, now comes the whirlwind of figuring out what you need. You look up checklist and window shop baby stores only to be overwhelmed with all of the products, some of which you may not even know what they are! Most first time parents are on a tight budget and with the price of many baby products you need to figure out what is a necessity and what is a luxury.

Don't worry; here is a checklist of what you really need on the first day, what you can wait on and what you will not use at all!

• Car seat - This is the most important thing because you will have to have it to bring the baby home. For the best deal you can purchase a Travel System. A travel system comes with a car sear base, carrier, and stroller. The stroller will allow you to put the carrier in to use as a newborn and then by itself as they grow.


• Crib, Cradle, Bassinet - If you have a nursery for your baby, you may want them close to you for a while. If so, you will need some sort of cradle or bassinet. If this is the case you can save for a crib if needed. If you are living in a small space you may want to just get a crib and forget the smaller bed. When looking for a Crib, think about getting a converter bed. Either 3 in 1, which will go to a toddler/daybed, or 4 in 1, that goes to first a toddler/daybed and then a full size will get you the most use. Whatever you choose you will need to put the baby in something when you get home.

• Dresser and Changing Table - These are both handy but the changing table is not a necessity. If you do choose to buy these you can get a changing table that you can turn into a bookshelf later. Nursery 101 is a brand that you can buy a 3 in 1 Crib, Dresser, and Changing Table all together for a very reasonable price. It can be cheaper than some cribs by themselves.

• Rocking Chair - This is not something that you need right off and if at all. Yes it may be convenient to have but do not have to have it. They can be expensive and you might not use it that long.

• Nursery Decor - When I say this I mean bedding set with crib skirt, bumpers and comforter. Each person has to decide what price range they would like to spend on this; the range can be very wide so shop around. Keep in mind that this might be something that you can reuse again, but don't break the bank if you need to buy a lot of items. If you are going to have the baby in your bedroom for a bit you may a little wiggle room on buying this but keep in mind that with a newborn you will have less free time, you don't want to leave everything to the last minute.

• Mobile - Usually the mobile does not come with the bedding set & this will be bought separately. You can wait on this if the baby will be in cradle or bassinet first.

• Night Light - This not something you will need until you have, at best, a toddler. By then the room may have completely different dcor. If you want one to have just a little light for middle of the night changes and feedings go with a lamp. You will have not only a light but also decoration.

• Mattress - Make sure when you buy this the measurements match those of the crib, you don't want cracks around the edges. Again you will have a wide price range with this.

• Sheets - Whether you have a crib, cradle, bassinet, or two of these you need sheets. You should have three sheets so that if one is washing another is on the bed and then if that one is wet you have another.

• Mattress Pad - These can come in a pack of two and that would be enough.

• Blankets - You don't have to go crazy with these, but you have two types that you will need. You will need receiving blankets to swaddle the baby for a little while when you come home, a good number would be a week's worth. You want to have enough so that you are not rushing to do more laundry than necessary. The other type of blanket you might want would be a "baby" blanket. This is more of a soft cute blanket, maybe with the baby's name on it. These can also be used when taking the baby outside, depending on weather. You may want to get one to use to carry with you and if you like, one for his room. You can end up with too many blankets so be careful.

• Swaddle Wrap - If you would rather use a wrap to swaddle than receiving blankets then you will need this. Remember that when deciding how many you will need that the blankets will be cheaper. Also if you learn how to properly swaddle the wrap is not needed.

• Monitor - You will have to decide what you want depending on budget and comfort level. The prices can range anywhere from about to around 0. You can go for one with video or just one receiver. Also remember that if the baby is going to be in your room you will not need this until the he is in his own room, unless you need one for naps.

Feeding: When deciding what you need for feeding you will have to think about whether or not you will breast or bottle feed.

• Bottles - Even if you breastfeed you need to go ahead and have a few bottle handy. You do not know how breastfeeding will work out. You might have to either supplement with formula or pump and bottle feed. If either of these circumstances occurs, you do not want to be without bottles. If you decide to use Playtex Bottles you will also need liners.

• Nipples - You might want to think about buying extra nipples for the bottles you bought.

• Bottle Sterilizer - This is not necessary, you can sterilize in a pot on the stove. For everyday just make sure you wash in hot water and soap.

• Bottle Warmer - This also is not necessary, when you need to warm a bottle you can do it at the sink with hot water.

• Bottle Rack - This is a good idea because even if you have a dish rack, these are specifically made to hang bottles, nipples, pacifiers, even the bottle brush.

• Bottle Brush - You need this because they are made to get in the nipples and bottles that are hard to clean.

• Breast Pump - These are expensive, so make sure you are sure of the brand and type you want before you purchase. They range in price and also in performance. The most popular brand is Medela; they have a wide price range to choose from. Also you can check with the Lactation Consultant that the hospital for information on renting one. If you plan on breastfeeding and will be going back to work, you will need one to start pumping soon to build up a supply.

• Storage Bags - If you are pumping you will need storage bags.

• Nursing Pillow - This is not necessary but nice to have, it is good for both nursing & bottle feeding. You can also you this as a little seat to prop baby up on. Be sure to get extra slip covers.

• Formula - Check first with the pediatrician to see what to buy. You should not buy a lot just in case you have to switch formulas.

• Highchair - You will not need this until about 4 months when you might start on some solids like cereal. Like many, you may be worried about space for a high chair, but you can get a Space Saver chair that fits onto a chair.

• Bibs - You will need these not only when you start baby on solids, but you might also want to start using them when the baby starts teething, because of the access saliva. You will need a good number of these, at least two a day.

• Pacifier - Go ahead and get different kids with different shapes, you do not know what kind the baby will like.


• Diapers - Go ahead and start buying now, but make sure that you get a variety of sizes. Babies do not stay in the newborn size for very long.
• Wipes - You can start buying these too, you will go through these fast.
• Rash Cream - You will need only one or two tubes of this.
• Diaper Bag - You might want to get two, one bigger for longer trips, and another small one that can be used all other times. If you need to only purchase one, I would suggest getting a smaller one; you will not want to lug the big one everywhere.
• Trash Can - Many will invest in a Diaper Genie, but you can get by with just a trash can with a top. Just make sure you take the trash out!

Bathing and Health:

• Bath Tub - You can get by without one of these for a few weeks. This is because until the umbilical cord falls off you, you will not submerge it in water. Rather than that you would sponge bath.
• Wash Cloths - You don't need too many of these because a baby does not need a bath every day. A weeks worth should be fine.
• Hooded Towels -You should be fine with about three.
• Baby Wash and Shampoo - You can get a Head to Toe wash and that will cover both. You should first start with fragrance free for baby's skin.
• Baby Oil - You will not need this much either buy when you need it or just go with a small bottle.
• Vaseline - This is needed if you have a baby boy who was circumcised.
• Rubbing Alcohol - You will need this if your pediatrician recommends it for the umbilical cord.
• Baby Q-tips - One box will be plenty.
• Nasal Aspirator - You will need one of these on the first day.
• Baby brush and Comb - You can either buy these separately or in a kit with other grooming products.
• Baby Nail Clippers - They are smaller & can also be purchased in a kit.
• Baby Thermometer - This is another product that will range in price and a few different choices. You can go with a pacifier, rectal, underarm, oral, ear or forehead.
• Humidifier - You don't have to get one right off, but this is a great thing to have with cold and allergies. You have a many choices, filter or no filter, high or low mist, cool or warm.

Safety Items:

• Smoke and Carbon Monoxide alarms - These are general safety items that you should already have.
• Gates, Locks, Outlet Cover - You don't really have to worry about any of these until you have a crawler.

Other Miscellaneous item:

None of these are really a necessity, but you will get use out of them.

• Bouncer Seat - This is a wonderful thing. You want to have a place to set the baby during the day.
• Swing - Same thing as the bouncer seat, you will want places to set and soothe baby. You can either get both the swing and/or seat separately or you can now get a 2 in 1 product.
• Activity Mat - These are meant for small babies with overhead toys. You can choose between prices and sizes to suite you.
• Walker and Jumper - You will not use these until baby is much bigger. You may not also want both of these.
• Baby Seat - You will start to use these when they get good enough head control. The big brand is Bumbo and you have to purchase a tray separately. Another brand is Summer Infant Super Seat; it comes with a tray for snacks with toys attached and also turns into a booster seat.
• Picture frames - You can get these with spaces for each month or hand and foot prints.
• Baby Book/Scrapbook - Although it is not a necessity, it is something you will want to get.


These will be up to you how much you want or need, just remember what season it will be when picking sizes. Also if you are having a shower, expect lots of clothes.

Mother's Needs:

Most forget to tell new mother what they will need after birth, these items are not glamorous but they will be needed and you will be glad that you don't have to send someone out for them.

• Breast Pads - Even if you are not breast feeding you will need some.
• Nursing Bra and Nipple Cream - If you are Breastfeeding
• Stool Softeners, Pads, Witch Hazel Pads - All for your comfort

It is a long list but babies are a lot of work and completely worth it. If you plan on having more than one child you might want to think about buying some item in a neutral color. Make sure that if you are going to be on a tight budget and someone will be throwing you a shower that you register for what you need. It is very easy to get caught up when registering and scan things that you will never use. A lot of people will not use your registry but for the ones that do, they will know exactly what you need. Others may not shop off of it but may look at it to get ideas. Some mothers like to wait until after the shower to buy up what they did not get; this is a great way to avoid more returns. If you do start to shop before, make sure you keep receipts in case you get a double. Don't be afraid to take thing back, most people would rather you get something you need and can get use from, rather than having twenty blankets you will never use.

I hope my list is helpful!

Baby Registry Checklist - What You Really Need

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sinus Problems Information - Why 31 Million Americans Suffer From Sinusitis

!±8± Sinus Problems Information - Why 31 Million Americans Suffer From Sinusitis

Over 31 million adults suffer from sinusitis (infection of the sinus passages) yearly, and 500 billion doctors visits and 200,000 surgical procedures are attributed to sinusitis. With those numbers it's easy to see why information about sinus problems abounds. But why do so many people struggle with sinus problems and why has it become so rampant? To answer those questions we must first understand what our sinuses are.

Sinuses are air filled spaces within the facial bones over the forehead, check and nose. They serve many purposes but mainly as a filter for the air you breathe. Just as with any other filter you have they can become dirty and blocked by environmental pollutants (antigens). With that in mind it's easy to deduce why so many people have sinus problems; the air quality we breathe has become more and more polluted than ever.

Have you ever "changed" the filter in your sinuses?

The epithelium (cells) that line the sinus cavity are quite special. They are ciliated, meaning they have long thin filaments projecting from the top of them. This cilia acts as the filter, catching the dust in a mucus layer that then, by way of ciliary movement, moves it to your nasal passages and then to your throat to either be swallowed or spit out. Excessive ciliary movement from an environmental exposure)often presents itself often as post nasal drip, a sore irritated throat or runny nose. This is the natural movement of this epithelium, to get these pollutants out of your body.

Very often people suddenly wake up with sinusitis. Stating they went down to bed fine and woke up with congestion, head pain or excessive mucus. This is due to gravity. As we stand upright throughout the day, the epithelium drainage of mucus is aided by the pull of gravity. Laying down at night makes this process much more difficult and the sinuses can be quickly filled with mucus that has not been adequately moved.

One of the best things those suffering from sinus problems can do is a night time irrigation, where water under pressure is introduced into the sinus passageways. This helps clean out the mucus that has not adequately drained throughout the day and also helps remove and foreign antigens. I recommend to my patients that you also use Vitamin C or a slight amount of salt to help in this process. A Neti Pot can effectively do this, unless you have severe mucus buildup then other measures must first be taken to remove this first.

Steam inhalation has also gained a lot of praise from sinusitis sufferers. Again mainly used at night to help the excessive build up of mucus. A warm mist humidifier is a must here. A cold mist will only worsen the symptoms and it makes the mucus thicker and more difficult to drain. I often find those who have not found benefits from a humidifier were using a cold mist. Switch immediately to a warm mist. Also a small amount of eucalyptus or peppermint essential oil can be used at night. Their aromatic smells stimulate the epithelium and dilate the nasal passageways to facilitate mucus movement.

Sinus problems can definitely be difficult to solve, but once you understand the natural anatomy of these passageways doors begin to open and relief is just around the corner. Focus on reducing that mucus buildup and you'll quickly get results. As always consult your local physician before making any medical decisions.

Sinus Problems Information - Why 31 Million Americans Suffer From Sinusitis

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Iguana Vs Lettuce

I found this iguana in my back yard.. I used to own one, It died. And buried it in my back yard 7 years later i Find This one...This May be my second chance of "Owning" an Iguana NO ONE HAS CLAIMED HIM.Put up a few.. "LOST IGUANA" posters..Posted an add on Craigslist etc..Very TAME now compared to when i first found him.Hated Me. I live in British Columbia. They do not exist in this type of climate.He was outside for a few days at least with a bump on one side of his face(That has recovered) He had MBD when i first found him and was an inch away from death.More Brown than Green...Part of his tail had been missing.. Iv had him for about 3 months..This is his terrarium so far im going to be building on it a lot more..Iv been nursing this iguana back to health.If You Live In Victoria,BC Canada and Have Lost an Iguana!...Let me know. J.Blue Jackson. ALRIGHT. So..Mostly His Diet Includes..Reptile Calcium With D3..Romain Lettuce and Mixed Green Lettuce.Mangos,Exo-Terra Pellets(Soaked In Water)Green Pepper, Cilantro, Squash, Straw-Berries, Occasionally Banana and Watermelon.He Has a Heat Pad,UV/UVB/Infrared Heat/Florescent Light. Mist the Terrarium 2-3 Times With Warm Water In A Spray Bottle. Give Him Baths 3 Times A Week.Has a Humidifier aswell.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Heaven Fresh HF 707 Digital Ultrasonic Cool & Warm Mist HUMIDIFIER with NEGATIVE IONS and Remote Control Unit

!±8±Heaven Fresh HF 707 Digital Ultrasonic Cool & Warm Mist HUMIDIFIER with NEGATIVE IONS and Remote Control Unit

Brand : Heaven Fresh
Rate :
Price : $129.00
Post Date : Nov 23, 2011 01:21:46
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

HF 707 FEATURES AND BENEFITSEfficient and Effective * Variable spray mist control for use with small, medium or large rooms. * Large capacity water tank (6L/1.6 gallon) refills with normal tap water. * High moisture output can quickly humidify a room up to 40 m² (430 ft²). * Low water indicator notifies you when to refill the tank.Advanced Technology * Advanced digital technology can produce either cold or warm mist. * Healthy negative Ions to purify the air while providing a restful sleep. * Permanent, easy-to-clean ceramic nano-silver filter for control of white dust, mould and bacteria. * Auto Hygrostat sensor automatically regulates mist output according to desired humidity level. * Safely and automatically shuts off when it runs out of water.Hassle Free Operation * Up to 7 nights or 60 hours of continuous operation without refilling the tank*. * Simple, easy-to-use, one-touch timer control for up to 12 hours of operation. * Virtually silent operation with advanced ultrasonic technology ensures a quiet and restful sleep. * Soft glow night light and auto dimming display will keep your bedroom dark for sleeping.Low Operating costs * Low energy consumption - can save 85-90% of electricity costs compared to a normal steam humidifier. * Consumes less power than a 40 watt light bulb. * Solid state digital controls and ceramic transducer ensure a long product life - 3 Year Warranty. * No added costs for wicks, evaporating pads or disposable filters.*At low level spray mist output (50ml/hr, 1.7 fl oz/hr).

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

Select the Best Humidifier For Your Home

!±8± Select the Best Humidifier For Your Home

Are you looking for room humidifier? If yes, first you need to understand your requirements. There is a wide assortment of humidifiers available on the market shelves but you cannot just go and buy one out of the collection randomly. You need to look into various factors before that lest you may end up making the wrong choice that doesn't serve your purpose completely.

Which type of humidifier?

The foremost thing is to know which type of humidifier will suit your home in the best possible manner. You need to find out humidity level of your house with hygrometer which will be helpful to know the humidity level of different rooms in your home and thereby aid in deciding the type of humidifier that will best suit the requirements of your home. Some of the most common and popular humidifiers in market include furnace humidifier, warm mist humidifier, ultrasonic humidifier, and cool mist humidifier. Once you know which type of humidifier is appropriate for your home, you can decide for the next factor of humidifiers, i.e, if they should be a portable one or a whole house humidifier.

Portable or whole house humidifiers?

Now, both types of humidifiers whole house and the portable ones have their advantages and disadvantages. So, this makes it essential for you to understand their pros and cons and then invest your money into buying the best humidifier for you. Since, this is one home appliance that needs one time investment. So, you need acute discretion while buying.

Whole house humidifiers are a one unit that is installed once into the furnace of your home. They keep working on its mechanism with no hurdles and complaints whatsoever. It draws required amount of water from water supply system of your house from time to time. The best feature of whole house humidifying unit is that it requires one time set up and needs minimal maintenance. You need not worry about refilling it from time to time and this is cost efficient too. It sets the humidity of your whole house to one fixed point whole time sparing you from the hassles of adjusting it time and again.

As the name suggests, portable humidifiers can be relocated from one room to another. So, this is the main point of comfort for you. Also, if you are a tenant and keep shifting from one place to other owing to your job work then portable humidifiers are the best option for you. It is plugged into an electronic socket and water needs to be changed from time to time. It is a power pack machine with capacity to keep two rooms humidity to an optimal range.

Maintenance of humidifiers - No escape

However, regular maintenance is one necessary requirement that is common in both the humidifiers. Some people may call it a disadvantage, but this is one thing that all humidifiers demand for a better performance and smooth working for a long term. Now, that you know both the pros and cons of the humidifiers so you can make wise decision regarding the type of humidifier you need for your home.

Select the Best Humidifier For Your Home

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Crane Warm Mist and Cool Mist Ultrasonic Humidifiers Provide Moist Air Relief

!±8± Crane Warm Mist and Cool Mist Ultrasonic Humidifiers Provide Moist Air Relief

The large selection of Crane Warm Mist & Cool Mist Ultrasonic Humidifiers offer safe, energy efficient solutions for relieving symptoms of cold, flu, allergies and other problems caused by dry air. Crane humidifiers aid in the improvement of breathing, allowing for sleep that is more restful. The thoughtful and imaginative designs provide ease of operation, long periods of uninterrupted use, easy to fill water receptacles and attractive styling.
Crane's Warm Mist steam single room humidifiers offer heated, bacteria-free vapor in rooms up to 250 square feet, providing soothing treatment of the symptoms of influenza, colds and other respiratory ailments. Available in either black or white with a blue translucent tank and stainless steel front panel, these humidifiers feature dishwasher safe cups to dispense mentholated inhalants easily, and safety switches that automatically shut down the unit if it tips over or runs out of water. Two power settings allow for comfortable operation for up to 10 hours on a single tank of water, and the indicator will automatically show when the tank is running low.
Crane Warm Mist & Cool Mist Ultrasonic Humidifiers all feature extremely quiet operation and softly lit power indicators for undisturbed nighttime use. They are each designed with a shut-off facility that activates automatically if the water levels get too low, and a water tank that is easy to fit below the faucets in most bathrooms. The line of Ultrasonic Cool Mist humidifiers provide breathing relief as well as aid in alleviating the chapped lips, itching skin and nosebleeds that can result from dry conditions. Each model functions with less energy than that required of an ordinary light bulb. The Crane Personal Ultrasonic Humidifier offers a convenient small size and features that make it ideal for offices, smaller rooms and traveling. Crane's signature large room Cool Mist humidifier offers an amusing crane design, and can provide moisture to rooms as large as 500 square feet for up to 18 hours. An attractive teardrop model ultrasonic humidifier is available in white, green or pink, and offers at least 11 hours of cooling mist to a 250 square foot room.
A special selection of Cool Mist models for children also provide humidity for up to 11 hours in the same size room as the teardrop design. These cute, thematic, ultrasonic humidifiers feature lovable characters such as Hello Kitty and Spongebob Squarepants, as well as a leopard, penguin, elephant, panda, frog, pig, cow, dragon and duck. The friendly, clever designs make it a pleasant and appealing experience when gaining the health benefits offered by a humidifier.
Relief from the effects of dry air and respiratory problems can come in a variety of ways, shapes and sizes. Whether you need the healing properties of warm, moist air, or the soothing comfort of cool humidity, Crane has a model to do the job. Crane Warm Mist & Cool Mist Ultrasonic Humidifiers offer practical, safe and creative solutions for therapeutic humidity.

Crane Warm Mist and Cool Mist Ultrasonic Humidifiers Provide Moist Air Relief

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